Mali | Back to school brings hope to the people of Telabit and Oukenek (Kidal Region)
On 3 October 2022, the children of Telabit, Intechaq and Oukenek, communes of the rural commune of Adjelhoc, took part in the new school year. On this occasion, an opening ceremony was held in the presence of local officials and families benefiting from the project carried out by the NGO Chet Aguena. Pupils and their parents were encouraged by the notables and made aware of the importance of education as a factor of development and social cohesion.
Asodh congratulates Keltoum Sennhauser and local partners Almoud d’Effess, Asseghsel N’Tédéwelt and Tadhelt N’Intecheq for their commitment to benefit children in the #Kidal region and vulnerable displaced populations.
Video report produced and directed by Anne-Fleur Lespiaut, whom we thank for her courage and determination.