Our Projects


Protection and dialogue: psychosocial support for vulnerable women and children in Tarhouna

Together with the NGOs ALDA (Association of Local Democracy Agencies) and Fatima Zahra, ASODH organised workshops for dialogue and exchange on the place of women in Libyan society. During these meetings, about 50 women benefited from psychosocial support through discussion sessions led by qualified volunteers. At the same time, about a hundred children were able to take advantage of recreational activities (sports, drawing competitions, face painting, etc.) allowing them to “forget” for a few moments the traumas of war in order to play, draw and imagine a better world.

Beyond this collective awareness, it was also a question of creating a social link between the beneficiaries of this project through the expression of these women and children who are often reduced to silence.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Capacity building: acquiring the skills necessary to carry out advocacy for the protection of children and women in emergency situations

ASODH participated in the organization of a seminar in Goma, North Kivu province. Members of the Interfaith Synergy for Mediation, Peace and Development, representatives of provincial divisions and civil society leaders were able to acquire the skills needed to carry out advocacy on the protection of children and women in emergency situations. These three days of work made it possible to strengthen the capacities of the various actors, giving them the means to act more effectively over time.


Social cohesion: a puppet festival to promote peace and living together

ASODH, in partnership with the French Institute of the Bekaa valley, and in collaboration with the Municipality of Baalbeck, has realized the Puppet Festival in Baalbeck since 2019. Students from 11 schools, of all faiths, in the governorate of Baalbeck-Hermel have conducted puppet making workshops and then mounted a festival on the theme of living together.

The 11 participating schools: Al Bachaer, National Maronite, Al Imam Ali-Hermel, Al Mahdi-Chmestar, Holy Hearts Baalbeck, Sheikh Yakoub, Episcopal Jabbouleh, La Sagesse, Episcopal Jdeideh, Al Salah Al Islamiah, Official Yammouneh.


Assistance and development: construction of boreholes for isolated and marginalized rural populations

In partnership with the Ghanaian association Future For Africa, ASODH contributes to the development of Northern Ghana. Isolated populations still struggle to access sufficient quantities of quality drinking water. This partnership has enabled the digging of boreholes close to isolated villages, thus improving the living conditions of vulnerable and often marginalized populations in Northern Ghana.